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ज्योतिष” भाग्य नहीं बदलता बल्कि कर्म पथ बताता है, और सही कर्म से भाग्य को बदला जा सकता है इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है।

Empowering Women:The Spirit Of Nari Shakti 


Women are accorded the greatest respect in Vedas.

 Atharva 11.5.18

In this mantra of Brahmcharya Sukta, it is emphasized that girls too should train themselves as students and only then enter into married life. The Sukta specifically emphasizes that girls should receive the same level of training as boys.

 Atharva 14.1.6

Parents should gift their daughter intellectuality and power of knowledge when she leaves for husband’s home. They should give her a dowry of knowledge.

 Atharva 14.1.20

Oh wife! Give us discourse of knowledge

 Atharva 7.46.3

Teach the husband ways of earning wealth

 Atharva 7.47.1

Oh woman! You are the keeper of knowledge of all types of actions (karma).

 Atharva 7.47.2

Oh woman! You know everything. Please provide us strength of prosperity and wealth

 Atharva 7.48.2

Oh woman! Please provide us with wealth through your intellect

 Atharva 14.1.64

Oh woman! Utilize your vedic intellect in all directions of our home!

 Atharva 2:36:5

Oh bride! Step into the boat of prosperity and take your husband beyond the ocean of worldy troubles into realms of success

 Atharva 1.14.3

Oh groom! This bride will protect your entire family

 Atharva 2.36.3

May this bride become the queen of the house of her husband and enlighten all.

 Atharva 11.1.17

These women are pure, sacred and yajniya (as respected as yajna); they provide us with subjects, animals and food

 Atharva 12.1.25

Oh motherland! Give us that aura which is present in girls

 Atharva 12.2.31

Ensure that these women never weep out of sorrow. Keep them free from all diseases and give them ornaments and jewels to wear.

 Atharva 14.1.20

Hey wife! Become the queen and manager of everyone in the family of your husband.

 Atharva 14.1.50

Hey wife! I am holding your hand for prosperity

 Atharva 14.1.61

Hey bride! You shall bring bliss to all and direct our homes towards our purpose of living

 Atharva 14.2.71

Hey wife! I am knowledgeable and you are also knowledgeable. If I am Samved then you are Rigved.

 Atharva 14.2.74

This bride is illuminating. She has conquered everyone’s hearts!

 Atharva 7.38.4and 12.3.52

Women should take part in the legislative chambers and put their views on forefront.


 Rig 10.85.7

Parents should gift their daughter intellectuality and power of knowledge when she leaves for husband’s home. They should give her a dowry of knowledge.

 Rig 3.31.1

The right is equal in the fathers property for both son and daughter

 Rig 10.159

A women speaks after waking up in morning, “My destiny is as glorious as the rising sun. I am the flag of my home and society. I am also their head. I can give impressive discourses. My sons conquer enemies. My daughter illuminates the whole world. I myself am winner of enemies. My husband has infinite glory. I have made those sacrifices which make a king successful. I have also been successful. I have destroyed my enemies.”

 Rig ved 1.164.41

One ved, two ved, or four ved along with ayurved, dhanurved, gandharved, aarthved etc in addition with education, kalp, grammar, nirukt, astrology, meters i.e the six vedaang should be attained by the clear-minded woman, which is equivalent to the crystal-clear water and spread this diversified knowledge among the people.

 Rig ved 10.85.46

Like wise in so many other mantras a woman has been presented to play an essential role in family and as wife. Similarly she has been given the lead stage in society works, in governmental organizations, and for ruling the nation is also mentioned inVedas.

Rigevda contains several Suktas containing description of Usha as a God. This Usha is representation of an ideal woman.

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